Welcome to Cherry Class!
Teacher ~ Mrs Copping, Learning Support Assistant ~ Mrs Shilling
Welcom to Cherry Reception Class
Our timetable is flexible and tailored to the needs of our children.
A typical day includes a daily phonics session. These sessions include direct teaching in small groups that develop reading skills.
We have a daily Maths session which is based on the White Rose programme. Children develop their mathematical skills through small group work, practical activities and focused tasks.
We encourage children to become independent learners building on their natural enthusiasm and resilience.
Our Themed learning encourages engagement and enjoyment in a rich and broad curriculum. We base our writing tasks on different aspects of our Themed learning.
We have regular PE sessions, twice a week where we promote the importance of health and well-being. We also understand the importance of supporting children’s well-being through our ongoing support and PSHEE sessions. These sessions are vital in re-establishing relationships and supporting our school community.
All pupils have access to the online learning programme Doodle Maths.
We use our ‘Class Dojo’ platform as a form of communication between parents and staff.
Out theme this half term is 'Long Ago'
"We use words to describe the passing of time, like yesterday, last week, last year and long ago."
"People grow from being babies to adults. As people grow older, they look different and can do different things."