School Day

Our school day is 6.5 hours Monday-Friday, which totals 32.5 hours a week.  If additional childcare is needed, we have morning sports club daily and after-school provision on various afternoons, dependent on uptake. Please click on the following link to find out more about our Morning and After-School Provision.

For families with additional childcare requirements we recommend our colleagues at  'Happy Days Childcare' who are just 8 minutes for here at Hundon and provide wrap-around-care provision from 7am in the morning until 6.30pm in the evening, Monday to Friday.

8.00am - 8.45am  Morning Sports Club

8.45am  Official start of the school day

9am  Registration closes

Children will have a 15 minute mid-morning break between 10am and 11am

12.10pm - 1.10pm  Lunch

3.15pm  Official end of the school day

3.15pm - 4.15pm  Optional extra-curricular clubs available (bookable each half-term)