Curriculum Information

As a staff we have considered carefully our Federation Curriculum to ensure it meets the needs of our specific school communities as well as fulfills the requirements of the National Curriculum. We want our children to leave our schools happy and confident with a bank of essential knowledge and skills which support them in being motivated, independent and successful learners, ready for their next stage of education.

Our Federation Curriculum is delivered through a considered mix of discrete subjects and ‘themed’ learning which integrates foundation subjects within our overarching themes. Our themes have been designed to complement and build on one another with links and progression so that skills and concepts can be developed and understood more deeply and knowledge applied in different, more challenging contexts.

Our long-term plans are adjusted to ensure our bespoke, personalised provision challenges our more-able pupils, whilst those finding particular elements more difficult, are appropriately supported so they too experience success.

Our Federation Curriculum is underpinned by our core values. These are interwoven as well as explicitly taught through our PSHEE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) and BRAVE (Beliefs, Religions and Values Education,) placing our children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and their understanding of the core values of our society ‘front and centre’.

This is further enhanced by our themed days, whole school activities and opportunities within and outside school. After school clubs and events extend these opportunities further.

Our outdoor environments have been developed to enrich different areas of the curriculum, for example, reading, PE, Science and local community facilities are utilised for active learning for all our children.

Our children have opportunities to share their learning, with their adults, with each other, their parents and carers and within our Federation through school-based and external exhibitions, performances, competitions and events involving other schools.

To find out more about our bespoke Federation Curriculum click here.


“Schools have a responsibility to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils. The National Curriculum is the starting point for planning a school curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils.”

Hundon and Thurlow Primary Federation fully endorse this statutory inclusion statement. We believe all children at our schools should have equal access so they have the opportunity to progress and demonstrate achievement. We ensure this is the case through our carefully planned broad and balanced curriculum which meets the needs of boys and girls, children with special educational needs, those who are more-able, children with disabilities, children from all social and cultural backgrounds, ethnic groups and diverse linguistic backgrounds.

To ensure this is the case we:

  • Provide resources which reflect diversity and are free from discrimination and stereotyping
  • Deploy teaching strategies based on the needs of our pupils
  • Facilitate access to every activity where it is safe and reasonable to do so

At the heart of all our teaching and learning is developing our children’s independence, motivation and sense of responsibility as learners and future citizens.


We review and develop each of our subject areas as part of a self-evaluative cycle to ensure our pupils are engaged and enthused in their learning whilst acquiring the skills and knowledge identified to meet the aims of each subject.

Our systematic appraisal ensures our curriculum best serves our pupils, reflects current thinking and ‘best practice’ in each subject.


Most recently we have also needed to consider adjustments with ‘recovery’ in mind. Our teaching team have spent time assessing where the children are individually, re-visiting previous learning and concepts, revising skills as well as ‘plugging’ any gaps in knowledge before moving on to new learning. Our teachers are using various methods to do this, deploying their allocated class Learning Support Assistants and utilising opportunities to work with groups of children as well as individuals.

To find out more about our bespoke Federation Curriculum click here.