Welcome to Otters Class

Mrs Aude Tipper & Mrs Sara Tobin

We are a mixed Year 3 and 4 class.

Our class teacher is Mrs Tipper and Mrs Tobin is taking care of interventions and support. Cover is undertaken by Miss Peacock and Mrs Budinger on alternate Thursdays.


We’re travelling back to 1066, probably the most famous date in English history. These are troubled times and there is danger afoot. A much loved king is dead and a Norman Duke has staked a claim for our kingdom. Discover a changing England, shaped by shires, protected by castles and ruled by foreign knights. Use the famous Bayeux Tapestry to explore the significant events of 1066. What happened when, and how did William of Normandy come to be called the Conqueror? Design a castle with defences strong enough to hold back the enemy. What about a space for fine dining and revelry? Try and build a happy (but safe) home. You’re the architect. Are you ready for the Norman invasion? Then don your armour and watch your back.

1066 Knowledge Organiser


In English this half term we will be writing a setting description linked to castles and battlegrounds. In the second half of this term we will be
taking a look at how to use imperative verbs when writing instructions. Our class reader this half-term is I was There: 1066, The Norman Conquest.