Bumblebees Class
Class Teacher - Miss Dennison
Our class teacher is Miss Dennison and we are supported by our learning support assistants Mrs Keyte and Miss Richardson.
This year Bumblebee class is for children in Year one and two.
We offer a broad and balance curriculum tailored to meet the needs of our children. This also supports our aim to instil our school values and build well rounded individuals.
We have daily phonics and English and Maths lessons. Children develop their reading, writing and maths skills through small group work, practical activities and focused tasks. We encourage children to become independent learners, building of their natural enthusiasm and resilience. We also have weekly PE sessions and PSHEE as we promote the importance of health and wellbeing.
Statutory spellings
In KS1 the children have a list of words they need to know how to spell please see below a list for Year one and Year two.
Our theme this half term is movers and shakers.
This project teaches children about historically significant people who have had a major impact on the world. They will learn to use timelines, stories and historical sources to find out about the people features and use historical models to explore their significance.
Our theme this term is Magnificent Monarchs
For our themed learning, we are moving onto a new theme topic ‘Magnificent Monarchs’. This project teaches children about the English and British monarchy from AD 871 to the present day. Using timelines, information about royal palaces, portraits and other historical sources, they build up an understanding of the monarchs and explore and present their finding in practical exciting ways.
We will also be doing to companion project 'Animal Survival'.
This project teaches children about growth in animals by exploring the life cycles of some familiar animals. They build on learning about the survival of humans by identifying the basic needs of animals for survival, including food, water, air and shelter.

Animal Survival
Food Chains
A food chain shows how living things depend on one another for food. All food chains start with a plant, which is a producer, followed by animals, which are consumers. Animals can be herbivores that only eat plants, carnivores that only eat meat or omnivores that eat plants and meat.