B.R.A.V.E. is the acronym for Beliefs, Religion and Values Education as we believe that this reflects the aim of our Federation communities; to be an inclusive community of learners; embracing other faiths whilst retaining our own very distinctive Christian vision and ethos at Thurlow particularly.
Both our schools follow the Suffolk Agreed Syllabus making full use of 'The Emmanuel Project' scheme of work, as recommended by the Diocese. This follows an enquiry approach with a focus on 'Big Questions', and explores understanding of the Christian faith alongside a broad range of other faiths and world-views.
The primary aim of RE is to develop religious literacy. Teaching focuses on the concepts and beliefs at the heart of the religion and looks at the experience of believers from the point of view of a child. The key questions for the enquiry approach are explored by looking at religious text, community living and how the believer lives their life in practice.
Thurlow is a Church of England Voluntary Controlled School (CEVC) which means more curriculum time is spent on RE, through additional prayer space days and stronger links with our church, St Peters, here in the village of Thurlow.
Our BRAVE curriculum map can be found below and makes full use of The Emmanuel Project, ensuring a clear progression of knowledge and skills. Further information can be found in the additional documents attached here also.
- BRAVE Curriculum Map
- Suffolk Agreed Syllabus Where Do I Stand 2023-28
- RE in Church Schools Summary of Statement of Entitlement 2019