Welcome to Oak Class

Oak Class is made up of Year 3 and Year 4, our Teacher is Miss Blackwell and we are supported by our Learning Support Assistant, Mrs Leaney

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum tailored to meet the needs of our children. This also supports our aim to instil our school values and build well-rounded individuals ready for the next stages of life in our developing world.
We have daily Maths Sessions, based on the White Rose programme. Children develop their mathematical skills through small group work, practical activities and focused tasks.
We base our English skills and writing sessions on different aspects of our Themed Learning to support our cross-curricular methods. Though-out, we continue to encourage children to become independent learners, building on their natural enthusiasm and resilience.
We also place importance on our PE and PSHEE sessions to ensure that all children learn how to keep their minds, bodies and communities safe and healthy.

How Can Parents Help Their Child Thrive at School

Statutory Spellings


Useful Links:


This half term we’re travelling back to 1066, probably the most famous date in English history. A much loved king is dead, with no heir and a French Duke has staked a claim for our kingdom. We will be discovering a changing England, protected by castles and ruled by foreign knights. We will use the famous Bayeux Tapestry to explore the significant events of 1066. What happened when, and how did William of Normandy come to be called the Conqueror? We will design a castle with defences strong enough to hold back the enemy with a space for fine dining and revelry. We're ready for the Norman Invasion, are you? 
To help us learn even more about our Themed Learning unit this half term, we will be reading I Was There, 1066.
1066 Knowledge Organiser

Our reading book for this half term:

Exciting Oak Learning moments...